Friday, December 3, 2010


Yesterday, the internet went down for approximately 2 hours.  I never thought i would be so greatly impacted by such a small occurrence, but I was.  It completely restricted what I could do. I had to e-mail a social studies project to one of my teachers and research for a essay in science.  Without the internet, I couldn't do any of this, not to mention chatting with my friends.

I never really thought about how important the internet was until yesterday.  Until then, I always took it for granted and thought it was a given to have.  I never gave a thought about how hard life would be without any internet.  Now I finally appreciate the luxury of having a personal internet connection in my house.  

Now you may be wondering why I talk about such a minor event.  Well, this led me to realize that I take many things for granted without a thought about what life would be without it.  I'm going to use my iPod as another example.  At a first thought, it may seem like an unneeded luxury to have an iPod touch.  It is somewhat unneeded; I survived perfectly well without it in fifth grade.  But naturally, I slowly began to take advantage of it. I now use it for many daily activities like planning, communications, and much more.  Without my iPod, I wouldn't know what time to go outside to meet my friend and walk to school, I might forget the dates of major events, I couldn't listen to music without opening my laptop.  

My theory, which I am naming the expansion theory of humans, says that we don't need many things that we think are important to life, but after we get a luxury, we slowly incorporate it into our daily life so much that we can't live without it.