Sunday, September 12, 2010


I really like math, both the class and math itself (for this post, I'm only going to write about math itself).

Math is an awesome subject for several reasons.  First of all, an answer to a math problem is either right or wrong and there are no "ifs".  For other subjects like English or social studies, there can be more than one right answer.  For example, if a teacher asks a student why Julius Caesar wanted to be in control, the student could either say, "because he liked to be in control", or the student can say, "because he thought that his ways of looking at how to control the government were better than other rulers' ways".  There are many more things the student could say in response, but the teacher is obviously only looking for one.  If the student said that Julius Caesar simply felt like it, it would have to be counted right, either though it is not what the question was asking for.  Meanwhile in math, an answer is either right or wrong, and there are no loopholes.  Another reason I like math is because of its simplicity.  As long as you know a concept, then you can solve any other problem that uses that concept.  For other subjects, you have to memorize everything bit by bit.

Math is a really amazing subject, and it is extremely easy to learn.  that makes math one of my favorite subjects.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, try rewriting this post without using "I", "you", "my", "he", "she", "they", or "we." This is going to be interesting =)
