Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Why oh Why

Why do the animals in the world have to be like what they are right now?  Why don't caterpillars and other bugs have five-toed-feet?  Why don't our feet slither instead of walk?  Why do we have thumbs, but other animals do not, either though it is obviously a very important feature that allows us to survive?  What's the point in making our brains bigger and smarter than other animals? If our brain obviously served its purpose in keeping our species alive, then why don't the other animals also have huge brains so that all creatures in the world are equal? Is it a god?  I really don't believe in god, but it seems to be the only explanation.  Unless it is just chance... But if it was all chance and natural selection and whatnot, then every animal should have big brains and long legs and everything good in an animal.  Is it our big brain that caused  us to start creating and building or is it the way our body is built?  either way, the primates should be able to create their own very primitive civilization by now.  So maybe its just by chance that we made all the discoveries to make our civilizations what they are right now.  It was by chance that Edison figured out how to harness electricity and put it in a light, chance that someone figured out how to make a piece of silicone and some metal be able to make complex calculations.  How does a computer chip do that anyways?  It doesn't even make sense to me.  I will eventually have to know how in order to be a good electric engineer and whatnot.  Wow... I got really off topic... Back to the beginning.  What made animals have different noises?  Why can't everything talk like us humans can?  Dogs shouldn't have to bark, they should be able to talk and communicate with us.  That would make them literally man's best friend.

Yep... this was what was going on in my mind.


  1. Good questions! They can be answered with several books:

    "Why do we have thumbs, but other animals do not, either though it is obviously a very important feature that allows us to survive?"
    "The Structure of Evolutionary Theory" - Steven Jay Gould

    "Is it a god?"
    For both sides of the God debate, read both Josh McDowell and Richard Dawkins.

    "maybe its just by chance that we made all the discoveries to make our civilizations what they are right now."
    For the study of civilizations, read Jared Diamond

    "How does a computer chip do that anyways?"
    Read "Godel, Escher, and Bach"

    Knowledge is out there if you only look for it. The books I listed above are difficult, but can double the size of your world/mind if you read them all. The last book alone will change the fundamentals of who you are. But ultimately, it's your choice whether to go for it or not.

    Keep on writing! It doesn't matter what. Write about daily life if you're out of ideas. The first thing that pops in your head. Just take thirty minutes, no more no less.

  2. Andy, I was bored so I decided to look at your blog. First of all, we are the firstly developed beings of the Earth as it is today, and other animals are still in the process of being developed. Primates aren't building civilizations not because they can't - it's the fact that it is not necessary and requires more work. Us humans are strange, as we look forward to the reward for a motivation to work hard. So, hypothetically speaking, no other animals are fully developed yet to do the complex actions of human beings. The dolphins, for example, can communicate with each other, but not to humans, because of the way they have evolved. Dogs SHOULDN'T be able to speak with us, as it isn't a necessary feature for them. I hope this cleared up a bunch of questions, even though this is an old blog...
