Saturday, October 30, 2010


Facebook, the almighty website that everyone who is someone uses.  What makes it so addicting? 

To know the answer to that question, we have to back up a little.  Mark Zuckerburg created Facebook as a social networking website to basically follow your friends around.  Facebook's users use it to update their every action, from baking a cake, to getting a girlfriend.  

My theory of why Facebook is addicting is that everyone wants to know what their friends are doing, follow around the person they like.  No one wants to be left behind on this informations and be clueless about present events.  Another possible reason Facebook is addicting is that people always want to respond to their messages, or a notifications on time so that people don't see them as a slow person.

The reason I check Facebook every 10 minutes is to see what people are doing, and respond to messages and/or notifications.  I also comment on a few statuses.

Facebook is such a simple site that would seem very boring, but is actually extremely addicting.


  1. I disagree with your last statement, it depends on what type of a person you are...whether you're an Andy, who needs to check Facebook every five minutes or he goes crazy, an Eric, who simply uses Facebook as a communication tool, or a Jimmy, who can survive his whole life without a Facebook.

  2. Yeah, at a certain point you learn to go in and out, check your facebook for five minutes a day, and vanish out of there. It has its uses, but can be such a waste of time.

    You can also do this:
