My theory is that everyone sees colors differently. My white might may be your green, but because we were taught to say that this color is white, we both call it white. A more unlikely part of this theory is that maybe, everyone has the same favorite color, but since we all see it differently, so some people say pink, or other people say blue. If my theory is actually correct, then I really like the colors I'm working with right now and hope that It doesn't change.
I am hoping that one day, scientists will invent something that allows you to see through another person's eyes. This would definitely prove my theory either right or wrong. It could be fun and strange to see the world through another person's eyes. I thought of this theory when I was playing with coloring objects one day (I was 7). I couldn't find a color that I liked to color something with, so I started wondering if the colors would look better I connected another person's eyes to my brain. My mind always wandered off when I was that old. Anyways, I think that my theory will one day be proved either right or wrong. Some people can maybe even benefit from this.