Thursday, August 5, 2010

An Experience I Might Have Had When I Was Small (A experience I didn't have but I'm going to write about it anyways.)

I've always had a fear of spinning uncontrollably.  It was not so much a fear like a fear of the dark, but more like a fear of death.  The first time I figured out that I had this fear was when I was tossed around by my Dad, while spinning.  I sat in a corner of the house for the rest of the day, thinking what would happen if I spun too long.  Then I grew up, and I realized that nothing would really happen to me, but the fear was always there.  It stayed until one day, my dad bought a spinning chair.  

When I first looked at it, it looked like a normal chair, but there was something off about it.  Maybe it was the foreboding black color, maybe it was the tiny wheels on the bottom of it, I will never know.  But when I looked at it, I had a feeling of deĵa vu.  I didn't know where it came from, so I got on the chair to try it out.  Then I realized what was so different about this chair.  It moved.  It didn't just move, it spun.  I tried to get off, but it was too late.  It already started spinning because of my weight.  I decided to close my eyes until it was over.  It was over in a few seconds.  I started getting off, but suddenly, my sister ran past and spun the chair really fast.  My blood rushed to my head and I started screaming.  Moments later, the chair stopped again.  I wasn't dead!  I finally opened my eyes again.  Then my sister ran past the chair again and made it start spinning yet again.  I didn't realize it at first, I was only conscious of the blurs of colors around me.  They were so pretty.  My mind wandered off the colors and focused on the strange feeling of sideways gravity.  This feeling was actually quite exhilarating.  I started laughing, but then I was stopped dead in my tracks.  I was spinning.  I could't breath for a few moments, but then my mind was again focused on the breathtaking blurs of colors and the thrilling sideways gravity.  When the chair finally stopped spinning again, I was soaked in sweat.  I realized that spinning was actually quite fun and exciting, and my fear finally left.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Andy - just a head's up - can I come over tomorrow? I'll give you a call beforehand just to confirm. Thanks! =)
