Monday, August 30, 2010

Why I should be able to get a Smart Phone

I am choosing a cell phone to get as an award for my STAR tests, but of course, my dad won't let me get anything but a average cell phone. Those are the ones that can't text, browse the web etc. and they are almost useless.  In my parent's time, the best they could get a humongous thick cell phone that barely had a display at all.  They have no idea how much a smart phone/ texting phone helps in an average person's life today.  

First of all, it will help the family greatly.  Often, we are driving somewhere and we want to find the nearest sushi restaurant (for example).  Normally, we would have to keep driving and looking for something that looks vaguely Japanese.  A normal cell phone wouldn't help in this situation.  But if I had a smart phone, I could quickly get a FREE app and search up "nearby sushi shops".  The cell phone will pinpoint the exact locations of sushi shops nearby.  It will work for many other things too, such as camping sites and clothes stores.

Another thing that could my family is IF my family got lost somewhere, I could use Google maps to find the way home.  There are also many other ways a smart phone could help the family.  I can search up random information quickly whenever needed.  Then we wouldn't need to go upstairs and get a laptop.  Or if we're going to a movie, I can reserve tickets while driving to the theater.  A smart phone would make our lifes so much easier.

It also makes my life better in many ways.  With a normal cell phone, I can only call friends and my pockets will be filled with something very close to useless.  These days, the common way of communication is texting. With a average phone, texting is almost as slow and tedious as throwing letters at the receiver.  A normal cell phone is therefore pretty useless and a waste of money.  Smart phones and texting phones all have either a physical keyboard or a on screen keyboard, which allows for easy, quick texting.

It may seem that a smart phone's service costs too much, but all the money that a smart phone saves makes up for that cost.  If I get a smart phone, I won't need a camera.  That saves about $50 already.  There are also many other things that a smart phone can serve as, such as a deck of cards, a GPS and much more. 

If my parents get a smart phone for me, it would help my family, me, and it would help save money.


  1. Hey, I decided not to get a smartphone. The new apple products are looking pretty good...

  2. Hi Andy, it is a pretty good essay overall. I was almost convinced by your persuasion until I read the title again - Why I Should Be Able to Get a Smart Phone. I was immediately turned down :-)

    Don't you think the title should be "Why I Should Get a Smart Phone"?

    When you say "should be able", you are talking about your capability to get a smart phone, not the rationals for a smart phone. If I were a purchase manager who approves purchase requests, I would have forwarded your request to a different department based on the title of your request.

  3. The first two reasons are pretty much identical, that is, using a smart phone to find a location.
