Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Sad Song - Fredo Viola

I watched this video, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRqjZtr6JaE&feature=related, and I am going to describe it.

Fredo Viola is a great artist.  He made many songs such as The Sad Song, The Turn, and many others, which are all made using the same method.  He makes a few different recordings of himself and a few of instruments playing, and then he mashes them together into one audio file.  This allows him to create music without a complete band.

I like this song more than others because of a few reasons.  First of all, the video actually shows his face.  That way, you get to see all the different audio files and how they are sung by him.  I like the way the video shows his face not like a solid video, but more like a reflection of a car’s window.  Another reason I like this song is because it is more relaxing than his others.  It has a light swaying feeling to it.  This is partly because of the dynamics.  He grows louder at times and at other times, he is very soft.  The music is very in sync.  The final reason I rule this song above his others is because the scenery in the video fits the music perfectly.  When he is loud and the music is moving fast, the scenery in more bright and flashy and it is passing by really quickly.  When he is soft and the music is slow and mellow, the scenery is more dull and dark and it is passing by slower. 

I like the effect Fredo Viola puts into most of his songs.  It’s almost like you’re looking at a series of mirrors all facing in different directions, and the mirrors are all moving in the same direction.  It makes the scenery more realistic and crisp, almost like you are looking at the mirrors yourself. 

It’s easy to tell that he put a lot of emotion into this song.  His heads are swaying in a way that coordinates with how he sings.  The people who give the jumpy background music are bouncing their heads, and the main head is pointing upwards.  This is another great song by Fredo Viola.

1 comment:

  1. Hehe, yeah, Viola's a pretty cool artist, huh? Anyways, several points.

    "Fredo Viola is a great artist. He made many songs such as The Sad Song, The Turn, and many others, which are all made using the same method." <----The first sentence is redundant. You need to be more specific. What makes him great? Look at someone else's review of The Sad Song: "Like the Icelandic group, The Sad Song has odd harmonies, shimming sounds and incomprehensible vocals. The impressive harmonies, all of which he recorded and performed himself, are less delicate than you might expect with an earthy, not icy beauty..."

    As for the second sentence, "He made many songs such as The Sad Song, The Turn, and many others, which are all made using the same method." <----Say this out loud to yourself. It's somewhat awkward. Part of assignment for tomorrow: how would you revise this sentence?

    "This allows him to create music without a complete band." <---- What about saying that he's "a one-man band"? It's more accurate.

    "He grows louder at times and at other times, he is very soft." <--- Change to, "His voice swells louder, and then softer, and then builds up again..."

    "The final reason I rule this song above his others is because the scenery in the video fits the music perfectly." <----First of all, you don't "rule" one song above others. You can "rate it" higher, but not "rule." Second, unless you truly mean that THIS IS YOUR FAVORITE SONG OF ALL OF TIME AND UNIVERSE, you really shouldn't say that you prefer this song _above all others_. That's overdoing the praise, and it's devaluing all of your comments.

    "This is another great song by Fredo Viola." Gah! In the future, don't end with this sort of sentence. It's like your last post, with "In my opinion, this picture is one of Vladimir's best." It's generic, but furthermore, only works if you have a long, extensive history of following the artist.

    For example, if I had been following Viola for several years (and I have), and he came out with a new album, I could say that "This is yet another great album from the every-inspiring Fredo Viola." Or if I was an art connoisseur who studied Kush's pieces, then I could say, "This painting is one of Kush's best."

    But you've only been in contact with them for less than a day, so how can you tell that this or that painting is their best? Try finding another way of ending your posts.

    Today's assignment: Watch this speech by Ronald Reagan:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JKIZ7j20EA

    and then write a 400 word analysis. It's pretty famous, and it was given after the space shuttle Challenger crashed. Talk about how Reagan uses language, and tone of voice. Talk about how the speech is structured, and how Reagan tries to give condolences and ask remembrance of the disaster. How does he at once respect the astronauts and also look toward the future of space flight?

    Don't forget your 1000 word posts! You should start thinking about them now...

    Words last post: 354
