Tuesday, July 6, 2010


It took me about 15-20 minutes to write that last post.  Anyways, today I went to the beach.  We went there by car with the GPS guiding us.  On the way, I noticed many roundabouts, which are circular roads with many exits, and many Dunkin' Donuts.  The roundabouts are really useful because if you miss an exit, you can just go around   and go to the correct exit.  Dunkin' Donuts was created in Boston, so that's why there are so many.  When we got to the beach, I noticed how hot it was.  My mom told me it was 100 degrees.  Then I ran into the water.  The water was a major relief from the burning hot sun.  I noticed that the ocean is a lot cleaner and warmer than California's ocean.  After I swam around for a while, we went to pick up snails.  Usually we find many big snails, but this time it is the wrong season, so there were many small, tender snails.  We swam around for a little longer and then went home.  At home, we ate the snails, which were sauced with a "mystery sauce".  I didn't like them much because I don't like shellfish.  Yep.


  1. Hope you remembered to put on sunscreen!

    You actually ate the snail you caught?...

    Okay, in addition to your post tomorrow, write somewhere public (if you can), preferably where you can see people walking by. Describe and invent backstories for at least two people.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I like this story better than the story about two random guys. In this story, you tell us your activities of the day with some interesting descriptions of the roundabouts and the Dunkin's Donuts.

    It would be more interesting if you gave more thorough comparisons of beaches at Boston and LA, such as waves, sun tuning people, surfer, runner, etc. I would imagine waves at LA are more tame than those at Boston, and surfer at LA have darker sun tun than those at Boston?

    Just curious: what does the Boston snail look like? Are they the same size and shape of the those found at California coastal lines?

    Talking about snails. You know who will be most excited about catching snails? That person is .....

