Saturday, July 3, 2010


Well, today I went to Boston, Massachusetts.  I packed clothes, my laptop, my iPod, two yoyos, and some books.  The book I am reading right now is The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams.  Anyways, today we went on Jet blue airlines.  On the back of each of the large and luxurious chairs, there is a small television that could show TV and play XM radio.  It was just my luck that my TV's sound didn't work and the screen kept turning off.  The space for your legs was huge.  It is probably as wide as two full grown men lying side by side.  That provided a lot of comfort.  After a while, my sister and I decided to watch a movie on my laptop.  Then, I just read my book for the rest of the time.  It took another two hours to get there.  When we got there, we took our luggage and went home with my aunt and my cousin, Jessica.  Waiting for us at their house were my uncle and my grandma.  By that time it was already ten o'clock in Boston.  Then we just milled around until it was time to sleep and that's when I started blogging.  It is ten o'clock back in California, but it is 1:00 here.Yep.  Well, that's all for today!

1 comment:

  1. Nice post! Hope you're having fun in Boston. Keep blogging about your adventures and daily life there!

    The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is something that deserves to be read slowly, and savored. You're not reading it for the plot so much as the way Douglas Adams uses language to create satire and hilarity. This is the purest form of writing - creating comedy out of words, and not out of situational circumstance/plot.

    How is it? People who read it have one of two reactions: They either think it's boring and incomprehensible, or they physically laugh out loud. It's British humor, so don't worry if you don't get it at first.
