Thursday, July 29, 2010

My Goal

A lot of people have a goal in life.  The best goal I can think of right now is to get a very big yo-yo collection and to be a professional yo-yoer.  My goal will probably change in the future, but for now, this is my goal.

There was a few things that motivated me to get this goal.  My main motivation for the first part of my goal was that there are so many yo-yos everywhere and I just want to play with all of them, just to see what they're like.  The second part of my goal was started because I watched a few yo-yo videos, and the whole time I was thinking, "I want to be like them someday."  It would be nice not having to do anything but yo-yo for money.

My plan to achieve this goal is pretty obvious.  I would earn money to buy yo-yos of all sorts.  With those yo-yo's I would practice a bunch of tricks and go to contests to earn even more yo-yos.  It is a cycle that repeats itself and, eventually, completes my goal.

These are the the motivations and plans for my goal.

1 comment:

  1. Um... Okay. I suppose I should have seen it coming, that you were going to write about yo yo's, but eh... sure.

    You want to start off with a good opening "A lot of people have a goal in life" is very generic and doesn't need stating. What about "Ever since I was little, I have always been fascinated by yo yo's."

    "It would be nice not having to do anything but yo-yo for money." <--- Change to: it would be nice to just yo yo for a living.

    "My plan to achieve this goal is pretty obvious." There's an art to be had in subtlety. Don't just state things outright - don't just say, "This is my plan." You can start off with "It won't be easy, but..." or "Yo-yo's aren't cheap to come by, so first I would..."

    Tomorrow, write about anything you want: just make it two paragraphs and interesting!
