Sunday, July 25, 2010

Students Should Not Wear Uniforms

Students should not wear uniforms at school because students should be able to make their own choices and sometimes, people can't wear a certain material, like polyester.  Students that go to school always want to be in style and make their own choices.  Uniforms don't allow them to make a decision at all.  It forces them to wear specific clothes that they might not even like.  It's good training for kids to let them make their own decisions and not to let adults make their decisions for them.  It could make them more decisive and quick-thinking.  Many people have allergies to certain materials and can't wear that material.  For example, if schools make it mandatory to wear uniforms made of polyester, then a child that's allergic to polyester would either have to live with having itchy rashes all over his skin, of wear another layer of clothing underneath the uniform and be really hot.  With normal clothes, the child can specifically shop for cotton or bamboo clothes and he would be fine.  Many people think that if we don't make students wear uniforms, they will wear clothes that are inappropriate for the age level.  Most schools that don't have uniforms usually have a "dress code", or a rule that doesn't allow you to wear certain types of clothes that are inappropriate.  Other people think that thee school can earn money by selling the uniforms.  But families that don't have enough money to buy a uniform can't get one.  Uniforms should definitely not be mandatory at schools.

1 comment:

  1. First of all: USE PARAGRAPHS! I cannot stress this enough. They clarify the beginning and ends of your main points, and they make it much easier to read.

    When you're writing persuasive essays like this, it's good to bullet point your main points:

    1) Some students can't wear certain materials like polyester.

    2) Students need to make their own decisions and express their individuality.

    3) It makes them more decisive and quick-thinking.

    4) Argue against the counterarguments that: kids always wear inappropriate clothes, and that schools can earn money.

    Points you missed or should have stressed more: That buying school uniforms is expensive, and some families can't afford it. You should argue against the counterclaim that normal clothes allow for gang violence, or jealousy among student. (members of gangs usually wear the same set of clothes, which uniforms would eliminate).

    So I want you to expand this into a full-blown, five paragraph essay.

    First paragraph: Introduction. Establish your position. Introduce your main points VERY briefly.

    SEcond: Express your idea that individuality is stifled. Back up with supporting statements.

    Third Claim that uniforms are too expensive and that students might be allergic.

    Fourth: Defend yourself against counterarguments that: Non-uniform clothes facilitate gang violence, that uniforms teach discipline and order, that uniforms erase the socioeconomic tensions among students.

    Fifth: Conclusion, summarize your main points, and end.

    Go go go! This is just an expansion of the bit you wrote yesterday. Remember: each paragraph needs to be fully developed, with 5 - 8 sentences!
