Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Review of..........IN THE NIGHT GARDEN

"In the Night Garden" is a book written by Catherynne M. Valente.  It started out with a young girl being excluded from society because of the dark splotches around her eyes.  Those dark splotches were consisted of tiny letters of many stories.  One day, a young son of a royal family stumbled upon her and got entranced by the many stories she told.  But, like every story, there's a conflict.  The boy's caretaker didn't want him to visit the girl and tried everything to stop him, but of course she couldn't

I think "In the Night Garden" is a very well written book.  The book's writing style is different from other books, so it was hard to understand at first.  But as I read more, I understood the author's type of writing.  There were stories inside stories inside stories.  After I understood the writing style, I could actually enjoy the stories.  "In the Night Garden" has a very balanced mix of humor, action, and adventure.  I highly recommend this book to science fiction readers everywhere.

1 comment:

  1. In addition to your latest assignment (which I'll give to you when I see you today), you have to correct/improve the following awkward sentences. Hint: Most of them have to deal with changing from passive to active voice.

    1) I sometimes find it hard to remember their name when I have to meet someone.

    2) The cat that belonged to Tom was very energetic.

    3) That mom forgot to bake the cake even after we called to remind her several times and even sent her three e-mails about it made Beth furious.

    4)Because they missed me, I called my parents.

    5) Running away, the police caught up with the suspect.

    6) Tom laughed at the wounded Bob, and he felt smug.

    7) Action will be taken by local governments to help conserve water.

    8) All student vehicles should be parked only in designated areas.

    9) A motion was made by a committee member that the group approve the report.

    10) As part of their duties, all gates and windows are regularly checked by the two security

    11) In the schools of the past, a great amount of homework had to be done by the students.

    12) A new treaty covering the fishing ground is being negotiated by the two governments.

    13) If an invigorating and inexpensive sport is desired, cross-country skiing is a perfect choice.

    14) No explanation was offered by our guide for the long delay.

    15) An average of five thousand teenage deaths a year were caused by youthful drunk drivers.

    16)Russia was accused by the United States of supporting terrorists.
