Monday, July 26, 2010

Edit of Yesterday's Post

Many private schools today make students wear uniforms, while public schools usually don't.  The debate goes on about whether or not students should wear uniforms.  I think students should not wear uniforms at school because students should be able to make their own choices and sometimes, people can't wear a certain material, like polyester.  

Kids in school need to learn how to make their own decisions.  If the school chooses what to wear for the kids, then kids won't have the experience of choice and they could be very slow at making choices as adults.  This choice is very important.  If they get this experience, they would be faster thinkers and quick decision makers.  This choice also gives them more individuality.

Another problem that uniforms impose is that they usually don't vary in material.  This poses a problem because sometimes, kids are allergic to certain types of material, like polyester.  If the uniforms sold are made of polyester, then kids who are allergic to polyester would either have to live with a rash for the rest of their school days or they would have to add an extra layer and suffocate in the heat.  Normal clothes have a choice of material.

Many people think that kids will wear inappropriate clothes if we let them choose.  Most schools already have a "dress code", or a rule that doesn't allow certain types of clothes to be worn.  Other people think that the school will benefit because of the money it will earn.  Some families can't afford the uniforms though.  Those families will have to give a lot of their money just so their child can be clothed with school appropriate clothes.

Uniforms may be good in some aspects, but all the bad aspects of uniforms overrule the good.  In the end, the non-uniform schools will do better than schools with uniforms.

1 comment:

  1. Needs work, but it's passable as a persuasive essay. You should replace the word "kid" with "student," since "kid" is too informal.

    You need to watch for how you transition from one sentence to the next. For example: "Many people think that kids will wear inappropriate clothes if we let them choose. Most schools already have a "dress code", or a rule that doesn't allow certain types of clothes to be worn."

    should have a "However, most schools already..." That "however" makes a huge difference in the readibility.

    "Uniforms may be good in some aspects, but all the bad aspects of uniforms overrule the good." <--- This is an awkwardly constructed sentence. You're basically saying "they are good, but the bad outweighs the good." Next time, try summarizing your _specific_ reasons that you already pointed out in your essay.

    Anyway, your assignment for today is to take a boring, mundane routine in your life and make it interesting. At least two full paragraphs please! Imagine you're telling a story, and need to hold the audience's attention. Play mission impossible music in the background if you have to. Oh, and be sure to describe and characterize - show, don't tell.
