Sunday, July 4, 2010

Hmmm... Another Interesting Day at Boston.

Happy fourth of July everybody!  Today was a very bothersome day.  It started out with waking up in the morning to a wakeup call issued by my mom.  Then, after we finished  a breakfast of fried rice, my aunt and I wen to the apple store to buy two $700 iPhone 4's without a contract.  They were for my aunt's friend in China. In China, the iPhones are a lot more expensive and a lot of them are fake.  After we got to the Apple store, they said that the iPhones will eventually have to be activated by at&t.  We walked away, defeated.  After that, we did some grocery shopping and went home.  We then ate lunch, fried dumplings, and went out to watch the Fourth of July parade.  It was very hot and humid.  The parade started out with firemen, police, and whatnot.  Then, there were a bunch of handheld advertisements and a bunch of congressmen making us vote for them.  After that, there was a lot of school bands.  The most interesting part was definitely eating ice cream.  At first, I got a ice cream sandwich.  I devoured that quickly.  Then, I got a snowcone.  I dropped it onto the burning pavement after my 15th lick.  A lot went through my mind as it dropped.  For the rest of the parade, I sat on the hot cement with the sun burning our faces, watching the remains of my snow cone melt extremely quickly.  We walked back hone before the parade ended because of the sheer boringness.  We ate dinner and went out to watch the fireworks.  The fireworks started at 9:30 and we got there at around 8:00 to avoid parking problems, so there was quite some time before the fireworks started.  We were by a lake with many other people, so we bought our own fireworks from a roadside vendor, and we set them off.  I played with my yoyo for most of the time.  One hour and thirty minutes later, the fireworks started.  It was pretty long.  Ten minutes of pyrotechnics.  It was slow at first, then it suddenly increased in rockets per second (Yes, per SECOND), and the show got a lot more interesting.  There was big booms and small booms.  Huge  explosions and minuscule ones.  When it finally ended, I was amazed.  I think Thousand Oak's fireworks are a lot more complex, but there isn't as much.  We drove home, annoying my aunt the whole way.  All the excitement left me felling a bit hungry, so I ate some watermelon and took a shower.  And finally, I settled down and started this post.


  1. Very cool! I got back from Hawaii that afternoon and just watched the fireworks on tv - too tired to go out and do stuff.

    ...what exactly went through your mind as the ice cream dropped?

    For your next post, take one detail from your day, and go into huge depth about it. Remember to show, not tell.

    Btw, what did you think of that short story I linked to you a few posts back?

  2. Can you elaborate more on this?

    "When it finally ended, I was amazed. I think Thousand Oak's fireworks are a lot more complex, but there isn't as much"

    How do you compare the Boston's fireworks with TO's? Do you mean the following?

    "I used to think TO's fireworks ... but it has no comparison to the Boston's"
